Don't Be A Worry Wart

Soooo, yet again God spoke to me through Sadie Robertsons podcast. On the podcast, she spoke to Rebekah Lyons, and Rebekah said something so amazing and it had a huge impact on me. She said, "Transparency is sharing where you have been. Vulnerability is sharing where you are." And like Sadie says, "Whoa, that is good." I loved that simple message! It actually inspired me to write this post.

I have talked about my past issues, things I have "experience" in to help give others going through similar things, a little inspiration. Well, today I am going to be vulnerable, and I am going to talk about something that has been affecting me this week.

Let me lay it out for you, on Monday, I walk out to the garage and realize there is antifreeze on the floor, so I immediately clean it up and throw away the towels in the outside trash can (we let our dog run around in the garage while we are at work.) I however start to worry that, that wouldn't be enough and somehow he would lick the spot and it would get into his system and it would...well..send him to doggy heaven. So, I find a rug and throw over the spot.

Tuesday, starts off really good. I am getting excited because Friday my cousin and I are going to go to a Thomas Rhett concert. So, I was excited about what outfit I was going to were, asking her what she was going to wear, and so on. Well, later that morning, I was scrolling through Instagram, and read memorial posts for the Route 91 shooting in Vegas that happened a year ago, at a Jason Aldean concert. And you guessed it, I started to worry about something like that happening Friday at the concert. I had myself so worked up that Seth had to calm me down the next morning when my worrying flared up again, but first, let me start with even earlier that morning.

On Wednesday, I walk out of the house and realize the garage door is still open. So, I try to put it down, but it will not budge. I decide to call my mom and ask her what to do (we are currently living with my mom and dad, because we are attempting the whole building a house thing. lol) She told me to try and jiggle the sensor wires to see if that helps. It did and I got the door down and go out the side door after telling my little fur baby, Jup, goodbye. As I was walking out to my car, I kept turning around thinking the garage door is somehow going to open back up and Jup will go running out and I will never see him again...

Okay, in the back of my mind I knew this was ridiculous. I felt like Rachel, on the episode of Friends, where her and Ross get locked out of the apartment with Emma, still asleep inside. But, you know I still worried.
(Jup, reenacting Gods face when he tells you not to worry, but you keep worrying.)

Continuing on with my morning, I start thinking and worrying about the concert again. So, I text Seth...again! lol (He can't complain, he chose this life. lolol) I told him I was worried about the concert and about the garage door still. He responded, in a short sentence, You do not need to worry, are you okay? It hit me. No I don't need to worry. Gods got this. He has got me. I respond back by saying this, Satan is attacking me. He is trying to bring me down, but NOT TODAY SATAN! Seth response, YES NOT TODAY!!

How often is it we, "sweat the small stuff"? We are so busy worrying about the little things that we forget to turn them over to God and let him take care of them.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34

This verse!! Gets two thumbs up from a worry wart like me. We need to worry less and trust God more with our every day issues. He cares about the small stuff and the big stuff. So, my advice to you my friends is this, lean on God for all things. Let him relieve you of worry. Let him fill you with his goodness and truth. Lean on not your understanding, but Gods word.

Last, but not least, if you are looking for a good inspirational podcast, I 110% recommend Sadie Robertsons "Whoa! That's good podcast." So, check it out.

Much Love,



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