Dear College Students

(I have no rights to this picture.)

Dear college student,

                I personally know the different struggles that come along with being a college student. I have been almost every kind of college student, actually. I have lived on campus, as well as, commuted. I have been a student athlete. I have taken night classes, as well as, online. I have worked full-time, while taking courses full-time. I also have just taken classes full-time. The point is, I have my share of experiences and I want to try and instill a little piece of wisdom in each of you.

                When you get to college, you immediately realize it is an entirely different world. You are out in the real world, but it is a mixture of childhood and adulthood. People expect you to be more mature and serious in classes. Professors expect you to get your work done even if you have the best excuse. Out of class you will find a combination of students but let’s break them down into just two broad groups. One is the group that studies, works hard, and shows up for class. The other is those who can’t focus on anything else except when the next party is. I have watched the best students get wrapped up in group number two and a lot of them weren’t back for the second semester. They lost their focus. They forgot why they wanted to further themselves in their education. So, before you say yes to group number two, remember why you chose to further your education.

                Now I am talking to those of you who are Christian and college students (even if you’re not, you might find some light in this too!) You have it the hardest of all. The temptations are everywhere. I mean everywhere, I know you know exactly what I am talking about. You are away from home. You are trying to make new friends. You just want to fit in. I am here to tell you remember Jesus. Remember God. Remember the goodness of His love. You are going to be surrounded by people who may or may not believe in the same things you do but stand strong. You will have professors who will try and persuade you to turn from your beliefs as well. They will talk down on Christianity and act like it is a big joke. That it is not real. Now, I am not saying all professors are like this, because they are not, but I want to encourage those who are facing the struggles of the non-believing. Don’t just give in to get on their good side. Don’t just say well I will write what they want to hear. No, I challenge you to stand strong. I challenge you to write exactly what you believe. I challenge you to be an ambassador of Christ everywhere you step foot on that campus. Because you will change the lives of those around you by just shining His light.

                Now for my fellow conservatives (I promise I won’t get too political). I will say this once, you are the minority on that campus. This actually may not be the case for every college or university, but most bigger universities I would bet that this is the case. Don’t back down. Learn. Study. Remember what you believe in and stay as much into the news as you possibly can. You are allowed to have your own opinion, just like everyone else. Don’t ever forget that your words are just as valuable as everyone else’s.

                Last, but not least, remember that you are a child of God. No matter where you are in life, you could be in the bottom of a valley or on top of a mountain, but you are still a child of God. He created you in His image. The God who created the Heavens and the Earth put you on this planet because He knew the world needed you. He knew the world needed your special gift that He blessed you with. You can count on Him to be there for you, all you have to do is ask Him to be. He wants to walk through life with you. He can be that ear you cry to when it is 4 a.m. and you are still studying for your exam at 8 a.m. because you are so scared to fail you are willing to give up sleep. I am here to tell you that if you ask Him to comfort you, He will. How do I know? Because I have been there. I have taken part in those 4 a.m. studying sessions and this verse is what got me through:
“I can do all things through Christ has strengthened me.” -Philippians 4:13

Don’t forget who you are.

Much love,


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