First 365 Challenge

It is New Years Eve! The day before we get a fresh start into the new year. We have been setting goals and making lists for ever since we finished up Christmas. But how about we do something a little different than last year? How about we actually stick to those goals and see them through.

How often do we quit right after we hit the first bump? How often do we choose laziness over what we actually want to accomplish because it is easier to be lazy then to take the next step?

Lets stop the trend.

Every single day is a new start. A fresh beginning. You are going to crush it some days and (lets be real) some days are going to crush you. But it is about crawling up through the rubble and saying, "Not today, Satan!" That is the point of the First 365 challenge.

You are capable. You just need to change your mindset. 2018 has been a year of growth for me mentally and physically. You want to know why? Because at the end of 2017 I had enough. I reached the breaking point after one final melt down. That actually happened three days before the new year. I won't go into details because that is not the point. The point is the outcome. The point is I turned 2018 into a year of reconstruction and growth.

Here my top five tips for you this year:

1. Find a Bible verse to base your year on.

2018 was based on my all time favorite verse Isaiah 6:8. 2019 is going to be based on the verse Mark 16:15, "Go into the world and spread the Gospel unto all creation." Having a verse to base your year on is like a company's mission statement. So, think of your year, as your own personal company. Set your mission statement. Find your verse that will help motivate you to whatever you want to accomplish. The Bible is full of verses with different variations that can fit whatever your mission is. So find that special verse. Learn it. Keep it close to your heart.

2. Find your motivation, no matter how weird it is.

Last year, I made it a goal to run a half-marathon as an attempt to get back into shape. While I was trying to climb out of my little slump, I would run into huge mind blocks called laziness. At times like these I would think, "If my phone were to ring, at this very moment and asked to be the leading lady in a Brett Eldredge music video, would I be confident enough to say yes and like the way I would look on screen? That answer is always no. (lol) so I get up and get my workout done and immediately feel better and happy I got off my butt and GOT. IT. DONE. So, now you know something very embarrassing about something I do to motivate myself, I hope it inspires you to find your own weird motivation tacit.

3. Stop worrying about others opinions.

Let me say it again, STOP WORRYING ABOUT OTHERS OPINIONS! This is the most challenge yet most rewarding of them all. When you stop listening to others opinions, you find growth. You find freedom. You find self-love. You find yourself. I hate to say it, but it is true. When you start putting others opinions of you on a pedestal, you start losing sight of who you truly are. Why? Because you are believing the lies. Stop listening to those who tell you that you are not enough. You are worthy. Your value does not decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth. Do not ever apologize for being the person God created you to be.

4. Self-Care

This one is my favorite because I am a lover of self-care these days. I love finding a good book and curling up somewhere and getting lost for awhile or drawing a bubble bath for a long soak. I also have found, that I am a lover of a good face mask. Whatever it is that you find relaxing, do it at least twice a week, if you can do it more than that, do it. But in today's world schedules are insanely busy and self-care is usually pushed to the side. That is okay, just work on making yourself a priority every now and then.

5. Learn to trust God.

I know I touch on this a lot, but that is because it is so important. Being able to lay every problem, every dream, at Gods feet is truly an indescribable feeling. You find freedom. Freedom from your own thoughts and fears. We serve a God that wants to take care of us, all we have to do is ask and truly believe that He will provide. He wants to walk through life with you. Make this a priority in 2019. I promise you won't regret it.

So, there are my top five tips on how to jump start the new year. Follow along with me on my Instagram at @mskylieowens and we can take on 2019 together. Use the hashtag, #first365 so we can keep each other up to date on our progress.

Remember: Every day is a brand new start.

Much love,



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