Look At How Beautiful You Are

Maybe this is TMI, but listen up everyone! The other morning I just finished my workout and stripped down to my birthday suit to start getting ready for the day, but I found myself staring into the mirror ripping apart every little “flaw”. 

I am not sure how long it last, but I can remember some of the things that went through my head:

Look how pale you are.
Look at your gross legs veins.
Look at your acne.
Look at your stretch marks.
You’re never going to have shaped legs.
You’re hair is so dry and brittle.

People! Why do we do this to ourselves? Look at your body just to see how strong you are! Don’t bash it!  Use it to empower yourself!

Mommas- those stretch marks are a beautiful reminder of the little bodies you brought into this world.

Workout Junkies- those stretch marks are proof of how far you have come.

Beautiful girl comparing herself to others- trying to hide your body shape because you are comparing yourself to others? Stop comparing! Embrace the beautiful body you have been given. You have a different set of genetics, you react differently to different foods, etc. God made you to look like you! Not the girl in your second period class with the rockin’ legs. Comparison is the stealer of joy. 

To those trying to hide your acne- You are beautiful without all the makeup. So, if you are tired of putting it on, don’t put it on. Right now I am having the worst breakouts of my life at (almost) 25, but now what I once found gross and ugly, I find strength and pride for all the things I have faced while journeying through infertility because let me tell you, the hormones the Doctor gives, causes more than just acne.

To those trying to hide any scars- those scars show your strength, your past, your passion, your memories. Scars don’t have to be negative. I have a massive discolored cluster of scars on my left thigh from sliding across home plate. Yes I get annoyed by it, but then it reminds me of how much I loved playing the game of softball.

Embrace your body. Be proud of it. Take care of your temple, just like God calls us to do. Jesus loves us just the way we are, so why can’t we learn to love ourselves? 

"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 
you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Much love,



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