We Are Hostage Negotiators
We are hostage negotiators
We are called to love people. Not their sin. Not their lifestyle. We are called to love them as human beings, because God created them uniquely and wonderfully. Each of us was blessed with a gift from God.
Sadly, as humans...we start to doubt those gifts, not realize our gifts, or we don’t realize where those gifts come from. So, it is up to us to encourage one another in our walks with Christ.
It is also our duty to be hostage negotiators. We are called as Christians to go out and be disciples to those who are lost or veered from the path. It’s not always going to be easy. In fact, it is probably going to be the hardest thing you have ever done (putting yourself out there isn’t always easy.)
But, one day the book of revelation is going to become reality and God will be taking all of the Christians out of the world and himself. (And you thought the world couldn’t get worse.)
Here is my point in all this. Can you confidently say your relationship with Christ and lifestyle is going to get you zapped up into Heaven with the rest of the Christians, if the rapture took place tomorrow?? Or can you think of a person you could help save??
Love God with all your heart. All your mind. And all your soul.
Much love,
Great words and advice, Kylie! I love reading your blogs..keep them coming!