I'm Listening
Isn't it funny that when we are young we don't want to listen to our parents but when we grow up and take the next step in life we call them just about weekly for the guidance or just words that uplift us? We just want that little conversation that reminds us of how much we are loved by them. When talking about spiritually young and old Christians, it's the same thing. When we are spiritually young we miss a lot of what the Holy Spirit says to us because I don't think most people truly understand the meaning or they were given a "sales pitch come to Jesus speech" and that just makes my heart sink. But as we become spiritually older (and dare I say wiser) we quickly realize the voice of the Holy Spirit is like the Christian version of Cocaine. (Side Note: God has a sense of humor so chill on the Holy Spirit & Cocaine comparison.) The voice comes differently to all of us but when we finally realize what the weird tingly feeling we get, that second ...